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Substantially funded by the Fundação Oriente

Volume 3 Number 3
December 2000

“MACAU 2001”

Preliminary Meetings in Macau
(by Miguel O. da  Roza, Senior Vice-President) 

              It was an honour and privilege for me to represent Casa de Macau (Vancouver) at the preliminary meetings organized by the Associacao Promotora da Instrucao dos Macaenses (APIM) and the Comissao Organizadora do Encontro das Comunidades Macaenses do Novo Milenio “Macau 2001” to be held in Macau from the end of November to the beginning of December, 2001.   Below is a brief account of events.

              After landing in Macau with butterflies in my stomach and not knowing what to expect, I checked into Hotel Grandeur where an envelope was waiting for me.  This envelope contained an invitation for dinner and cocktails and to meet and greet the hosts and other representatives from the other Casas worldwide. Still with butterflies in my stomach, I took a deep breath and walked into the designated place.  The butterflies left me as I made my rounds to meet my fellow Filhos de Macau from all the Casas.

Work, work, work - a typical day it would be. In the morning, the bus came to pick us all up at 10 a.m. (those who know me know that this is a bad time for me!!!!) to take us to the Headquarters of APIM where we were handed all the information regarding the preliminary meetings.  All the Casas were to give a speech regarding themselves and what we would like to see in the next Encontro.  Throughout the meetings, the official languages were Portuguese and Chinese.  The speeches went on till lunchtime, and after that, it was back to the drawing board till 4.30 p.m., then a quick trip back to the hotel, a quick shower and back on the bus yet again to somewhere to meet someone for dinner.   After a few speeches, it was time to eat (a quick look at my watch showed 9 p.m.).   After dinner, it was back to the hotel and the sack. This went on for the whole week, except for a quick break here and there, one free evening and morning.

Our Casa’s turn to speak came on November 28th and after thanking our hosts, I read a letter from our President.  I continued by speaking about our Casa:  date of incorporation, membership, cultural and social activities, skits in Macanese, Portuguese songs, lessons, cooking, and for the young at heart, dancing!!!!  After all these points, I handed the microphone to Fernanda who on behalf of our Casa suggested that the Encontro be held in July or August so that our children who are still in school may be able to attend.  It was also suggested that a Patois show be organized, that a BBQ be held for the youth, that there be active participation by the youth in a procession, that the youth be taken on guided tours of “old” Macau and the Macau Museum.  As to the travel subsidy, it was suggested that each participant be given a return ticket from their point of departure thereby making it possible for all Macaenses to attend no matter where in the world they might live and as well that those without a Casa in their country be also invited to the Encontro in this manner.  In closing, we thanked the Organizing Committee for their compassion and interest in the Macanese community worldwide.

After all was said and done, they (the Organizing Committee) presented their version of the minutes, which will be available for pick up by all members at the February General Meeting.  (Special thanks goes to Lena Rocha and Anita Gomes for translating this document.)


 “You guys are not Macanese!”
(by Miguel O. da Roza)

 In our meeting with Dr Elias Soares of the Foundation for the Cooperation and Development of Macau, Carlos Cordeiro of the Macau Cultural Association (Casa de Macau) of Western Canada, Fernanda de Pinna Ho and myself, Dr Soares emphasized that the two Vancouver casas must come to a solution regarding the acquisition of a clubhouse by December 31, 2000 or else there is the possibility that this MOP$7,000,000 could be absorbed into next year’s budget.

After the meeting, and on our way down the elevator, Fernanda said that the two Vancouver casas must indeed try hard to work out a solution, and in doing so, sometimes each must give a little and take a little. Still in the building and in its foyer, Fernanda reminded Carlos that a solution must be attained as soon as possible.

Carlos replied, “ O K! We’ll get the money to Vancouver, then give it three (3) months and if that doesn’t work out, we’ll split the money.”

“That’s not the idea.   The idea is to get a clubhouse for everyone, not to split the money,” Fernanda said.

“What good is it if we split the money, it’s for all Macaenses, today and tomorrow”, I said.

“Look! We’ll get the money! You guys are not Macanese!” Carlos snapped, and with a glance from him, he walked away!  WOW, what a statement!!!!!

This is how it happened on that Dec 1st 2000 afternoon……………qui triste!

Some questions immediately came to mind:

(1)    Was Carlos not in Lisbon? 

(2)    If not, did his President not report the conclusions of the meetings in Lisbon to his members, including Carlos?

(3)    If Carlos does not honour and respect the definition of a Macanese as defined in Lisbon, what is HIS definition of a Macanese?


(by Michael Guterres, President)


The evening was crisp, cool and clear and typical of a late Fall evening in the Greater Vancouver area. On October 28, 2000, our Casa had our first Members Appreciation Dinner/Dance at the Greenacres Golf & Country Club in Richmond. As the name implies, the function was to express thanks and show appreciation for each and every one of our members who went through hill and dale with us since our club was formed five years ago. The function was also to celebrate our 5th anniversary as a social club and by all accounts, all in attendance had a great time with plenty to eat and drink. 

The semi-formal function enabled us all to once again see and mingle with so many friends we don't often meet up with anymore. It is for these reasons that these functions have special meaning. It was an evening of good fun, seeing old friends and enjoying the good food Greenacres is now well known for. 

We had and have so much to thank our members for: your patience, perseverance, and above all, your commitment to sticking to the original founding principles of our Casa. Your continued support has helped to make tough matters so much easier to deal with. Additionally, over the past five years, we managed to organize ourselves and become fully recognized not only by the respective entities in Macau and Portugal, but also by our sister casas throughout the world. We have made and renewed many valued friendships with "nossa gente" not only in Canada and in San Francisco, but in Sydney, Macau, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon as well. It has been a good five years, and we look forward to many more years of similar fortune and achievements for the future. 

The organizers took a huge gamble in asking me to “MC” the function being the President of our Casa. I don't think they realized I had never done anything of the sort in the past. Thanks to well timed prompts and nudges from several "well thanked" members, I survived the evening without making too much of a fool of myself, I think!! I was game to help out in any way I could but the limit was when they wanted me to "sing" the Portuguese and Canadian national anthems. Ahem, not a good idea. Thanks to Michelle Ho who bailed me out at the last moment, phew! Humphrey Ho volunteered his time to set up and man the music booth to ensure non-stop music for the entire evening. He had a great selection of music and always seemed to have the right songs to fill the dance floor whenever needed. 

The food served by Greenacres was once again outstanding. There was far too much on the tables for me to remember but rest assured, there were salads galore, salmon, beef, ham, chicken, hot and cold dishes and in sufficient quantities to ensure no one went home hungry. Then came the usual dessert table, filled once again with all our favourites, fresh fruit for the health conscious to sinful chocolate cakes, flans, cookies and more than can be described here.

Our social committee can take full credit, and a huge "BOW" for yet another well-run and organized affair. They arranged for everything we could ask for, such as numerous door prizes for young and old, including gifts for our guests. 

In closing, I wish to extend my personal thanks to all those who helped make this evening happen. It took a lot of work, sweat and organization to make the evening go as smoothly as it did and is certainly a testament to the type of people we have - giving of their own time and effort for the good of our Casa. Muito obrigado! 


(by Carol Guterres)


Mr. Humberto Pires (better known as Uncle Pires) has turned one hundred years young!  Michael and I had the honour of attending his big surprise birthday party which was hosted by his daughter, Diana and the rest of the Pires family on November 4th, 2000. 

It must have been incredibly hard to keep the event a secret as we had the date marked on our calendar in the Spring.   Diana was so well organized that invitations went out well before her planned holiday this past summer.  There were also family and friends from out of town who made travel arrangements months ago.  How did they all manage to keep it from him for this length of time?

Uncle Pires was certainly surprised when he walked in the room and saw all of us. There must have been close to two hundred people present, cheering as he entered the room.  There was a wonderful smile on his face as he made his way around the room and greeted everyone before dinner started.  He was a picture of happiness on this special evening.

Dinner was delicious with a wide selection of food and the dessert table was filled, as usual.  When a large sponge fruit birthday cake was brought out with a multitude of candles aglow, a cheering throng of guests sang a hearty Happy Birthday to a beaming Guest of Honour.

At the entrance, the many congratulatory cards, letters and wishes received from dignitaries in Canada and around the world were displayed, and a guest book was available for those who wished to add their personal wishes to a special man on a special day.

The speeches by family and friends touched the hearts of everyone I talked to that night.  I even had a tear in my eye many times.  From this party, I have come to know that Uncle Pires has been a wonderful family man and a good friend to many people.  He has a wonderful view of life and a deep devotion to God.  Is this what it takes to reach this marvellous 100th birthday milestone or is it the scotch a day that has done it?  Maybe both!!

The dancing began with the ever-so-appropriate “We Are Family” with Uncle Pires in the centre of the dance floor, surrounded by his family and friends.

It is not very often that one is able to share a 100th birthday, especially someone so full of life as Uncle Pires. Thank you for sharing your birthday with us, Uncle Pires - you are a model for us all!


by Betty (Figueiredo) Sousae


Ano passado ja vem e vai como unga tufum doido .....
Vira di olhos ja intra ano novo-ia.
Tempo passa muito lijero hoje in-dia.



            Dos ocasum special ja acontece na fim di ano passado.  Tanto di nos ja atende e celebra aquele dos grandi aniversarios di Humberto Pires na 4 Novembro, e di Tina Archer na 2 Dezembro, 2000.

(1)            Sr.Humberto Pires, (iou choma ele "Uncle Pires")-sa festa divera sum unga grandi supresa po ele.  Na commeco di ano passado, familia di Pires quere da olotro-sa pai, Uncle Pires, qui ta ficha um cento ano, unga grandi festa. Uncle Pires nom sabi nada ate dia di festa.  Osse pode imagina qui dificil .... assim tanto gente co bocas fichado, nunca sai unga bafo ou da piada!  Qui milagri!!!!  Fila Diana ja prigunta amiga Lyce po da unga mum ajuda co maior parti di este festancia.  Olotro dos ja mete cabecas juntado e vem co bom ideas. 

            No Sabado, 4 di Novembro, tudo um cento noventa e tal convidados, ja vai cedo qui cedo antis di Uncle Pires chega, vistido bem di janota, co ele-sa dos bom amigos.  Osse ola, Reggie e Rita Rocha, ja "convida Uncle Pires po vai fora janta na unga grandi hotel", mas em vez, olotros ja treze ele po estunga sala di ele-sa festa, na South Arm Community Centre na Richmond.              Filo filos, fila filas, netos e netas, bis-netos e bis-netas, parentes e amigo amigos tudo ja vem, bastanti di America. 

            Quando Uncle Pires, Reggie e Rita chega, tudo di nos na dentro di sala, ta bem di calado calado boca -  nunca sai unga piu, tudo luz fichado, na scruridum, ta spera olotro vem dentro.

            Quando olotros intra, nos abri luz e tudo juntado dali unga bero forti-forti "SUPRESA!  FELIZ ANIVERSARIO, HUMBERTO!" e canta "Feliz Aniversario." (Iou-sa coracum ta bate vai bate vem, e ta pensa .... "Ai!  Uncle Pires logo apanha unga grandi susto!")  Mas em vez, ele fica empido na porta dianti, meo meo di caminho, parado parado, boca aberto, spantado spantado, olhos rancado, nunca sai unga voz.  Ele divera nom pode cre ola tudo ele-sa familia entero co assim tanto amigos amigas na drento di estunga grandi sala.  Vagar vagar, ele ja sai voz, agredece tudos e anda po ele-sa assento. 

            Gente gente qui toma letratos e video, "clik clak, clik clak" ramenda unga grandi "super star" ja intra ali!  Aquele momento divera ja treze tanto lagrimas na gente gente-sa olhos.  Imagina! Nossa Humberto Pires ta ficha ele-sa "um cento (100) anos", unga seculo!  Ele ola parece unga homi di cinquenta fora ano, cheio di vitalidadi -  chistoso, alegri - e ninguem pode divinha qui ele ja chega tem 100 anos!  Quanto di nos na estunga mundo tem aquele longividadi?  Formidavel!  Bravo Uncle Pires!

            Cava tudo gente ja da parabens po ele, beja vai beja vem e da abracos, nos commenca janta.  Comidas qui tudo ja goza, divera sum muito sabroso.  Tanto di nos ja da unga mum po cuzinha difrente leia di comidas gostoso di filo-macau.  Comidas salgados e quente quente rumado na unga mesa comprido na frente di palco,  sobremesas na otro lado perto di cuzinha.  Tudo mesa mesas bem decorados, cada co unga difrente boneca e flores qui Diana ja faze.  Quanto di nos ja ajuda co divirtimentos.  Cantigas, dancas e unga "skit" di ele-sa "amiga vela di Macau".  Tanto gente ja da palavras di parabens na palco.  Musica forti forti po nos tudo salta-pula danca.  Uncle Pires ja bem danca tamem.  Qui alegri estunga dia. 

            En tudo, este festa sum unga grandi successo. 

(2)        Agora, iou logo conta di mas unga grandi festa di unga bom amiga-sa aniversario di 89 anos.  Ela-sa nomi sum Tina Archer. 

            Ela-sa grandi festa acontece na Sabado, 2 Dezembro, 2000 na sala di Igreja di Holy Family em Vancouver.  Estunga festa divera sum mas unga festa qui pode "racha dentes"!  Ela ja ficha 89 anos e ta ola bem di jovem-na!  Fila Grace e quanto amiga amigas ja da unga mum po ajuda cuzinha, decora, danca, canta e faze bom musica po ela-sa mai.  Comidas qui tem sum divera faze tudo gente corre babo!  Comidas salgados rumado na unga mesa comprido frente di palco, e sobremesas na otro canto di qui delicioso e gostoso!!!!

            Tanto tanto gente vem attende ela-sa festa.  Neto netos, parente-parentes vem di America, e amiga amigos tudo ja bem di goza.  Tanto gente ja da "speech" e Tina tambem ja da unga na Patua.   Qui amouchai!

            “Iou muito muito contente hoje; tudos ja ving para minha aniversario; muito obrigada; agora nos tudos pode come, bebe e dansa; Deus abencoes!”

            Nos tudo ja dansa qui nom pode mas-ia.  Tudo mesa mesas bem decorado e parede parede co bonita decoracum.  Nossa gente divera sabi como gosa e entrete unga otro.



Canada is a MULTICULTURAL country – yes, exactly what the words mean:  Canada consists of MORE THAN ONE CULTURE.  Save and except the Native Indians and the Inuits, Canadians are immigrants from countries worldwide – some through many generations, some through a few generations.

So then, how would you convince your Italian friend, or your East Indian friend, or your Filipino friend (I could name all the countries of the world, but space does not permit me to do so; nevertheless, you get the picture) that they and their children are no longer Italian, nor East Indian, nor Filipino, simply because they now live in Canada and simply because their children were born in Canada.  I can assure you that you will not succeed and that your friend would think you were “deveras toc-toc”!

In Macau,  Miguel da Roza and I were told adamantly to our faces that the two of us, as well as all members of our Casa de Macau were not Macanese.  No one in his right mind would ever say such a thing – we were indeed caught by surprise!  Subsequently, in our search for a logical explanation, we focused on the person who made the allegation, and then we shook our heads and chuckled!

No matter what is said or how one looks at it, we are what we are, ie., second, third, fourth, perhaps even fifth generation Filhos de Macau – look no further than those three fat volumes of “Familias Macaenses”.  As well, we are Canadians.  As Canadians, we are proud to belong to Canada, but pledging allegiance to Canada does not magically transform us into a “new” race nor change the colour of our skin; it is also impossible to alter one’s being, one’s soul.  (Sorry folks, it looks like you and I will never be on television in “The Makeover Story”, not in this context anyway!)


(from the Nominations Committee)

 The Nominations Committee have tried for the past two months to get in touch  with members by telephone to advise them of the forthcoming Elections and to make their nominations before the closing date of  23rd February, 2001.  We regret we were unable to contact some members due to change of telephone numbers, or they were away.  We thus take this opportunity to advise the membership of the coming Elections in April, 2001, and all five positions of the Executive Committee are open for election.

Please support the future of your Casa by contacting the Nominations Committee with your Nominations for any, or all, of the five vacant positions.

Nominations Committee:  Marge da Costa (604) 464-8315, Diana Pires (604) 594-2358,

Margie Rozario (604) 298-6986  email -

All nominees should be present at our next Meeting - 10th February, 2001, at 2 p.m. to confirm their acceptance of the nomination.

We thank the members for their support and in making our work easier by their show of  interest and co-operation.  We trust you all had a Peaceful and Joyful Christmas as well as a Happy Day in ringing in 2001.  Feliz Ano Novo!


(by Catriona Haslam)


On Sunday, November 26, 2000, the last cooking class of the year 2000 was held with great success. Despite a low turnout, the members present were once again inspired by the decadent desserts that were demonstrated.

My mother (Aleixa Haslam) and I were called upon to demonstrate our "Greek Truffle" recipe - a simple but incredibly rich mouthful of indulgence!

Edwina Shuster did a great job of making "Farte", and the best part was the "hands on" involvement of some of the members present! We got to get our hands dirty in trying out the recipe for ourselves - a thought for future classes.

Our last presenter was Margie Rozario, who did a wonderful job of explaining how to make "Cuscurão", a light and beautiful traditional Christmas cookie. Technique, we were told, is the key!

Overall, the class was a hit, and I personally want to thank all my demonstrators over the past year for their hard work and participation. I also wish to thank my fellow committee members for helping me make the classes as successful as they were.

I've enjoyed my stint as your cooking leader, and hope to pass the baton on to someone just as enthusiastic for the coming year!  Thanks again to everyone.



adapted from correspondence received from the Fundadao Oriente

(by Boca Tanto)


The Fundacao Oriente has written to advise all Casas of the annual youth exhange programme (duration of one month per annum) for those in their mid-teens (preferred age of 15/16 years) who show a keen interest in Portuguese and Macanese culture.  One youth per country  (Australia, Canada, U.S.A., Portugal, Brazil and Macau SAR) for an overall total of six will be selected each year by the Fundacao Oriente in Lisbon, in the presence of the President of Casa de Macau (Portugal). 

Canada has four Casas so that the rotation will be once every four years for each Canadian Casa.  Other countries follow the same pattern.  Participants from Canada, U.S.A. and Australia will “swap” with those from Portugal, Brazil and Macau. 

While no definite dates have yet been set, the Fundacao Oriente is prepared to pay 80.00% of stipulated costs.  Conditions set forth by the Fundacao Oriente include (1) the participant must be a Casa member, (2) the family of each participant must be prepared to accept a “swapped” participant and (3) parents must arrange for health and travel insurance for the participant, prior to commencement of travel.

The Fundacao Oriente has invited members to submit their comments on this programme AS SOON AS POSSIBLE through their respective Executive Boards and, for further information and/or to obtain an application form, please contact our President or any member of our Executive Committee, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

PARENTS: This is an excellent opportunity for your teenage child! Don't delay, act today!





            February 10, 2001 (Saturday) is the date of the next General Meeting to be held at the Eaton Centre Community Room commencing at 2:00 p.m. 

February 23, 2001 (Friday) is the deadline for submission of nominations to the Nominations Committee

April 1, 2001 (Sunday) is the due date for membership renewals for the ensuing fiscal year.  (Renewal forms will be sent out in due course.)

April 7, 2001 (Saturday) is the date of our Annual General Meeting to be held at the Eaton Centre Community Room commencing at 2:00 p.m. Elections for the ensuing fiscal year will be conducted at this meeting.  (Ballot forms will be mailed out in due course.)

For the balance of the current fiscal year, ALL PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE CLASSES will be held at the Metrotown Mall Community Room from 10:00 a.m. to noon on the following Saturdays: January 13 and 27, February 17, March 10 and 24 (subject to change as appropriate)



            Roberto da Costa, President of UMA, Inc. has suffered a minor heart attack over the holidays and is recuperating in hospital.  Hey, Robbie, we are all counting on you to be in your usual top singing form at the forthcoming Encontro - get well soon!



            Christianna Marie Sequeira (7 lbs 2 oz) was born on November 14, 2000 to proud parents, Lisa and Christopher Sequeira.  Grandma Vilma is tickled “pink”!  Parabens!



            Vicente Antonio Sequeira (aka Hocus Pocus) passed away on December 23, 2000 in Victoria,  B. C.  He is survived by his beloved wife, Vilma, sons - Vincent (Charlene) and Christopher (Lisa), grandchildren - Felipe, Melissa, Marcello, Carita and Christianna Marie, sister - Socorro d’Aquino.

            Omar Ghouri died instantly in a head-on collision on Christmas Day.  He is survived by his parents (Abdul and Hirondina Ghouri), an elder brother and a twin sister.

            Our Casa extends our deepest sympathy to the families of Vicente and Omar.


NEW MEMBERS (since July 2000)

            Mai Averies, Dr Michael Thirlwell, Eduardo da Rosa, Barbara da Rosa, Marcia Agon, Amanda King, Maciek Wolniewicz, Marshall Cooper, Candida Gomes Cooper, Antonio Tavares, Nydia Sousae, Maria Shelton.  Bem vindo a nossa Casa!



            Casa de Macau Club (Vancouver) does hereby express thanks and appreciation to the Fundacao Oriente for their continued financial support to “The Voz”, our Website and our Portuguese Language Classes.

            The editorial staff of Voz dos Macaenses de Vancouver wish to acknowledge and thank all contributors to this issue.


(Editor’s Note: 

(1) Omission of proper accents on the Portuguese words appearing throughout this issue is because my keyboard is not equipped with these.  Desculpe!

(2) “Boca Tanto” is the pen-name of your humble Editor.)



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